USA Network The Last Airbender Download Full
M. Night Shyamalan
The world is divided into four kingdoms, each represented by the element they harness, and peace has lasted throughout the realms of Water, Air, Earth, and Fire under the supervision of the Avatar, a link to the spirit world and the only being capable of mastering the use of all four elements. When young Avatar Aang disappears, the Fire Nation launches an attack to eradicate all members of the Air Nomads to prevent interference in their future plans for world domination. 100 years pass and current Fire Lord Ozai continues to conquer and imprison anyone with elemental "bending" abilities in the Earth and Water Kingdoms, while siblings Katara and Sokka from a Southern Water Tribe find a mysterious boy trapped beneath the ice outside their village. Upon rescuing him, he reveals himself to be Aang, Avatar and last of the Air Nomads. Swearing to protect the Avatar, Katara and Sokka journey with him to the Northern Water Kingdom in his quest to master "Waterbending" and eventually fulfill his destiny of once again restoring peace to the world. But as they inch nearer to their goal, the group must evade Prince Zuko, the exiled son of Lord Ozai, Commander Zhao, the Fire Nation's military leader, and the tyrannical onslaught of the evil Fire Lord himself
Nicola Peltz
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I am amazed and at the same time disappointed with the criticism of this movie. In spite of all bad criticism I opted to watch this movie because of its interesting plot and promising trailers. I am pleased to say that I took a wise decision. The storyline is perfect and has been written meticulously. All sequences are well connected. Actors have justified their characters. Special effects are also commendable. It is a beautiful journey with lot of adventure. Such a sharp criticism of this movie was uncalled for. The movie must be seen and appreciated as an isolated piece of work. It shall not be compared with the original series. The director has once again proved his metal for making fabulous movies. I am eagerly looking forward to the sequel of this movie.
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I was a fan of the show Avatar: The Last Airbender. Noticed I said "Was. But M. Night Shymalamadingdong has done was comes naturally to him, and mess everything up in this horrible movie. There are so many things wrong with this movie, that I don't even know where to begin. First, the name pronunciation. Ong? Soka? Eroh? Ahvatar? Come On. It's Aang, Sokka, Iroh and Avatar. Second, no one in the show was white, they were all Asians, but they were played by no talent actors who probably lost a bet. And the Fire Nation was mainly portrayed by Indian actors. Is M. Night Shymalan trying to say that he is a member of the Fire nation? Another thing, the pacing. It's starts off with Katara and SOKKA finding AANG and Appa in the iceberg, and just one hour later they end up in the north pole. I mean it's suppose to take months to get there, and they had to make numerous stops. No Kyoshi Warriors, No King Bumi, No June the Bounty Hunter, No Avatar Roku even, Appa and Momo were never mentioned once, and no mention of Sozin's Comet whatsoever. It also felt like there were things in the movie, that were definitely not in the show at all. The dialog was so bad, it made the dialog in the Star Wars prequel seem Oscar-worthy. The acting was also really bad. The guys who played Aang and Sokka make Taylor Lautner and Robert Pattinson look like Marlon Brando and Tom Hanks. The girls who played Katara and Yue make Megan Fox and Miley Cyrus look like Kathrine Hepburn and Meryl Streep. The visuals were just bad. We've seen great visuals in movies like James Cameron's Avatar and Star Trek. You could so tell that there was a green screen used for this movie, I could clearly see an emergency exit sign in the movie. Also, at the end, there's a cliffhanger saying, wait there's going to be another one. It feels like its a parody of the series created by the guys who brought us Epic Movie and Disaster Movie, and it's actually freaking hilarious. Do Not see this movie, for the love of God do not see this movie, in theaters, in 3D, on DVD, don't even talk about it at all. I didn't see it in 3D, but I heard it was very bad. M. Night Shymalamadingdong should stop making movies. As it turns out, he was approached to direct the last Harry Potter movie, he probably would've called Ron, Roon. If you saw Transformers 2 last year and hated it, don't see this, because it is ten times worse than Transformers 2 ever was. If you think I'm being a little too harsh on this movie, I am not. I saw this with my sister when there was a brief family crisis going on, and this movie made me laughed so hard. Also, I'm only giving it 1 star because I'm forced to. It deserves a rating less than 1, it deserves a rating less than 0. In fact, whenever you're in a store that sells DVDs and Blu-Ray DVDs, and you see copies of this movie, buy them, and burn them so no one will ever see this piece of crap called a movie. So go watch all three seasons of Avatar: The Last Airbender, burn the DVDs of the movie, and don't see the sequels if M. Night Shymalan is planning on continuing the franchise. And you know him, he will mess everything up. This movie is so bad it makes Twilight look like a best picture winner, now that's a real shame. If you liked this movie, then you haven't seen the series, or you're just plain stupid.
This is one of the best movies I have seen. I like almost all characters. And like to see more earth bending things in upcoming movie.
Although some people say that it is completely different from the cartoon series, I think since this is a movie not a series so it contain almost every necessary things. I downloaded & watched the whole cartoon series after watching the movie (the movie impressed me. Like to see more computer animated stuff as well.
Wish that Night Shyamalan will also do the part 2 & 3 as well. Good luck & God Bless.
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